Injured in a Motor Vehicle Collision? Contact Us Today!
Auto accidents are a leading cause of injury and death in the U.S. An accident can result in life-changing consequences, from physical injuries and expensive medical bills to the loss of loved ones. At Minias Law, our dedicated car accident lawyers in New Orleans, Louisiana, and Texas are here to help you secure the compensation you deserve.
Why Choose Minias Law?
The reason is; We understand the devastating impacts of car accidents. Our experienced attorneys provide personal service, allowing you to focus on recovery while we handle your case. We fight insurance companies to ensure you receive the maximum compensation.
Steps to Take After an Accident
Move vehicles from traffic: If possible, move your vehicle to a safe area, so that it won’t be a hazard for other drivers. Use hazard lights and warning signals if you can’t move your car.
- Call the Police: Dial 911 and report the accident. Even if you feel uninjured, get checked by a medical professional.Sometimes pain from a car accident does not manifest until later and you need to be checked by a medical professional to determine your injuries.
- Obtain contact information: Exchange details with all parties involved, including names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s license numbers, and insurance information. Record the license plate numbers and descriptions (year, make, model, color) of the vehicles involved.
- Document and photograph the accident: Take photos of the scene, vehicles, weather conditions, obstructions, and any relevant details. Write down what happened while it’s fresh in your mind.
If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident and suffered injuries, call Minias Law immediately. Your first call will not cost you a penny. We will review your case for free and let you know how to move forward with your claim. No fee unless we win your case.
Fighting the Insurance Company
Insurance companies often try to minimize or deny your claim. They may offer low settlements or delay the process. Many accept less than they deserve out of fear. Inform your insurer you have an attorney and never sign or settle without legal advice.
Tactics Used by the Insurance Companies
Insurance companies often try to minimize or deny your claim. They may offer low settlements or delay the process. Many accept less than they deserve out of fear. Inform your insurer you have an attorney and never sign or settle without legal advice.
Common Causes of Auto Accidents
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports major causes for auto accidents: -Distracted driving (e.g., texting)
– Aggressive driving
– Speeding
– Drunk driving
– Poor road conditions
– Defective vehicle components
– Inclement weather
Our thorough investigations identify all contributing factors, allowing us to establish liability and build a strong case for you.
Hidden Complexities in a Car Accident Case
Auto accidents are not always as simple as they appear. Even when it seems obvious who is to blame, there can be factors involved that you are not aware of — and those factors can have a big impact on your case.
Car accidents can involve hidden factors like defective vehicle parts or faulty roadways. Our experienced attorneys uncover these complexities to protect your rights and ensure justice.
Contact Experienced New Orleans Car Accident Lawyers Today
If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident, contact Minias Law for expert legal assistance. Your initial consultation is free, and you pay no fee unless we win your case. Call (504) 777-7LAW today.